Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Tested yesterday and came up with nothing. We are bummed. There is a certain amount of entitlement that comes with nightly shots in the rump with a needle the size of an 8p nail. When one doesn't get what is wanted, and said rump is swollen, bruised, and hurting, one is allowed to be bummed. As Grace grows (she will be two on the 12th), the desire to have another child around grows as well. Sibling play together, siblings support each other when parents aren't around anymore. We want another one.

Just a few days before we were to test, my wife said they if it didn't work then she was going to stop trying. I told her not to jump to conclusions, and not to make any big decisions until we found out for sure what was going on. Last night, she turned to me after we climbed into bed and said, "I keep thinking that it will work the next time. I want to try one more time."

I said, "Good."